Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Print Workshop

RGB - display of colour
CMYK - colour mode used, when preparing for print

Additional colours created - when printed colours overlap

key colour = black ink.
C,M,B used to create full colour image. key colour to add real depth/shadows.

CMYK - can be reffered to processed colour/
- Spot colour - a pot of ink that is the colour you are going to print.

why are spot colours used?
- can be cheaper. - good for commercial use
- used for branding
- allow the accurate reproduction of colour.

- separating a scanned in illustration.
- make selections - magic wand, - select, similar

- select - colour range (similar to wand - more useful?) - click on colour you want to highlight, fuzziness slider = selecting more or less of that colour
- in selection preview - white matte - get a more accurate preview of selection - using fuzziness slider
press ok - layer- new via copy (cmd j)
- repeat process with other colour. -  (select, colour range, image, white matte)
Tip; name layers with chosen colour

layers panel.
- lock button - checked square. - lock the transparent pixels in layer - allows you to fill content of layer without filling the background
edit fill - shift backspace - select black
- also repeat if there is black from the original image - may not be solid black originally.
- then print each layer individually.

photographs are printed in CMKY
two techniques for different sizes
1 - A3 or smaller
(check size of image, and mode - CYMK - image, mode)
- save as - as Tiff / photoshop
channels; in layers bar
(click on individual channel to view separately)
cyan channel - black and white image. where the channel is darker - more cyan ink, light = less cyan ink.
these colour channels are used to create the positives to apply the certain …for printing.
- open in illustrator. black and white selected.
- aim to spearate - click output. - mode - change to separations.
- this results in us printing out 4 separate prints.
advantages of first technique - frequency, 250-
half tone dots for aesthetic effects. -

these are the degrees used for ckmy printing
for two colour - 15% and 75%
for one colour 15%
 ( catch up from jess's notes`)

mode = composite mode

2 - larger than A3 size
- according to the size of image were working on.
- all work in photoshop - cannot use illustrator to separate colours
- using colour channels.
channels drop down - choose split channels. - if more than one layer need to flatten image for this to work.
- from this photoshop will create one image for each of our colour channels.
- need to

- bit map- image who's pixels are only black or white.
bitmap - image - mode - bitmap
choose a resolution. - work at a higher resolution. 1200
halftone image.
- choice of frequency - between 15 and 55
- angle same - 75degrees
shape - round
- lower frequency of dots means more noticeable dots. higher frequency means higher quality image.

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