Thursday, 17 March 2016

Indesign Workshop

page size is the actual size of a single page in booklet
preset - maybe relevent
or custom

don't scale to fit.

columns /margins
alter number of columns;
layout grid - divide page into number of columns. - magazine/newspaper like layout.

- can alter gutter = the spacing between these columns.
(if using text - set the gutter - frames each column of test - leaves space between sections of text)

bleed guide.
- anything that goes to the edge of the page - should extend off the edge of the page - to compensate for any inaccuracy when trimming pages.
standard bleed amount is 3mm (red margin - extend anything that goes to the edge of the page to this line.)
crop marks will line up withe the edge of the page.

bleeds and slug - define area that sits outside the page - but that will actually print.
(slug is used for cop marks, registration marks - not commonly used)

each sheet of paper that will make up the finished publication - has to be in a multiple of 4!
consider content - work out how many pages.

our example
12 pages - 3 sheets.
- facing page check box - essential in making this kind of saddle stitch - traditional type of book format. - if ticket - pages will appear in indesign - in the exact format of the printed and bound book.

consider how - were going to print / produce book?
if work with margins - the non print border  - to frame content - use margins not bleeds - more straight forward? if bleed is perhaps not needed.

examples set
12 pages facing
columns 3
bleeds - 3mm
- file document set up - allows to make some changes to original document.
- but in file document setup - cannot change the margins or columns.
- to alter these - work with the pages palette. - select the page/pages that you want to change the margin columns of.
- can select multiple pages - click first - hold down shift - last page.
- ;ayput meneu (with those pages selected) layout, margins and columns - options to change these settings.

layout - create guides - similar to columns - but allows to divide page up into rows.
example - 6 rows, 3 columns - 18 square grid.
- can add a grid to each individual page. - guides that are added are selectable and movable (selection tool)
- option - view menu - grids and guides - lock guides option.
(can click and drag and backspace to quickly remove

alternative way to add grids to every page of your layout.
= in pages layout
- master page. the paster page - if you zoom out only see two pages - so you know your working with master.
- master page - layout margins and columns
- alter settings for master page - applies for all!
- option select both master pages - shift
- when applying changed settings - unclick the link button to can alter each sestina individually.
- if you change any item on the master page - it will alter across all pages
- whatever you need to be consistant across all pages. - images/text/page numbering….

- to force the ,aster to be updated = palette option - apply master
- same to create grid. - select both pages on master. - layout - grid
- master page will be locked.

Page number each page.
- go to master page
- create a text frame - box
option - type insert special character, makres. - then applies actual numbers on each page - i.e. 2,3, 4,5
alt - and drag from left hand side - to copy - then creates number on each page.

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