Monday, 17 November 2014

End of Module Evaluation

1. What practical skills and metrologies have you developed within this module and how effectively do you think you are employing these into your own practice?

- Within the module I have explored the use of new media, such as photoshop, gouache, and working with dip pens,- as well as developing my upon my existing practical skills, - working with ink and pencil. I have tried to incorporate these new skills and methods of working into the given briefs,- during the designing process. I found experimenting and working with new media to be beneficial; I discovered that I enjoyed working with gouache and so was able to incorporate this into some of my final designs, which I feel would not have been as successful without its addition.
- Through this module, I have developed my ability to formulate opinions; on my own work and on others. This has become a continuous aspect of my designing process. I believe that I am using this effectively - I evaluate my work at each stage, to decide the best way to move it forward.
- From creating initial ideas theough to the final piece, I have found blogging to be an integral part of the designing process. It is here, where I can evaluate my work at each stage in order to develop it further. Blogging has allowed me to efficiently document my progress, and help to keep my work structured and clear. - Although I feel that I need to simplify the amount of writing on my blog.

2. Which principles/theories of image making have you found most valuable during this module and how effectible do you think you are employing them into your own practice?
- During the designing process, I have found it really useful to create a selection of roughs. In visually exploring a variety of ideas and possible directions to take, I have been able to come to the best conclusions about my work. The roughs I have created for each brief, I have found extremely useful and and integral part of the designing process. 
- I have also benefitted from working in a formatted size. - Its something that I have not previous done at this early stage in the designing process, but find that considering composition at the beginning to be very useful.
- To refine an idea; I have found that repetition is key. In creating the same idea over and over again, but exploring different compositions, use of media, etc, i find that I reach a conclusion that I am happy with - I feel that I have fully exhausted an idea. Although I find this extremely valuable, I have not always shown this much development due to timing, I feel that I could use this more in my future projects.
- I have found experimentation extremely valuable. Through the development of ideas, I have found it useful to spend time testing out different media and compositions before reaching the final conclusions. At this stage, my idea of the final pieces often completely change,-testing media offers new inspiration I feel. Although I would have liked to explore media more on the first two briefs, I feel that I made the most of my time during 'Play, Play, Play' and my final outcome benefitted from this exploration.

3. What strengths can you identify within your submission and how have you capitalised on these?

- I feel I have the ability generate a range of ideas that respond well to a given brief. I try to push myself out of my comfort zone, and explore a range of possible pathways to explore before focusing solely on one idea.
- My evaluative skills. Though the module I have become more comfortable and confident in evaluating my own ideas; i find that reflecting on my work throughout the designing process allows me to make conscious decisions about how my work should develop, and the most effective way to do do. I have learnt to objectively criticise my work.
- Through the development and experimentation I have become more comfortable using a variety of media, and I have particularly found a love of working in coloured pencil. Through this module i have been able to develop and improve my skills and feel that some of the most successful aspects of my work are due the the use of coloured pencil. I will continue to explore its possible uses of application.

4. What areas for further development can you identify within your submission and how will you address these in the future?

- Within my initial two briefs, I feel that my final pieces would have benefitted if I had been more experiential with media and application. Exploring more possibility could have lead to better conclusion.
- My timing and organisation could be improved. I believe that working at a quicker pace on my roughs, and spending more time on refining and finalising my ideas, my outcomes would be more successful and of a higher standard. In future briefs i will also create a weekly timetable of tasks, and aim to meet these deadlines in order to keep up to date with all work.
- I need to learn to be more efficient in the generation of designs. although I explore a range of ideas, sometimes i don't always have time to explore each to their full potential. I feel that at times i can be too precious in the designing process and need to speed up and not focus on developing more ideas as possible. I think that developing consistency within the design process is key, I need a system that I can follow for each brief.

5. In what way has this module introduced you to the Ba (Hons) Illustration programme?

- Visual skills has introduced me to the intense workload that all continue through the rest of the course. from this i have realised that I need to plan my time more efficiently and effectively.
- The module has allowed me to see what is expected in terms of the structure and content of the course. Visual skills has been fast paced and challenging, but it has allowed me to push my abilities as an illustrator. I have become more confident in trying new things, and taking risks.
- Upon competing the visual skills module I have learnt more about what it means to be an illustrator, and feel that it has prepared me for a future as a professional.
- The module has introduced me to new methods of working and  ways of documenting my work. Ive found that uploading reflections and evaluations to the blog is a useful way to help keep work structured, clear and manageable.

Additional Notes: 
My attendance this term has suffered greatly due to unforeseen health issues. I have found it difficult to catch up, and i feel that the overall quality and quantity of my work has been affected due to these circumstances. However I am committed to the course, and motivated to achieve my full potential on further modules.

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