I enjoyed the challenge of working with shape last week, in which i had begun to consider the use of texture, so I was looking forward to developing this further.
For this task i tried to explore a selection of media, and methods of working that i hadn't really tried before. - as well as considering what worked well in the shape task.
- I really wanted to work outside of my comfort zone. - Using acrylic paint, and brushes allowed me to be more experimental and forced me to work a bit more expressively. however, although I aimed to work again purely in shape and not line, i felt that i got a bit lost in the process at times - meaning some of the pieces didn't really fit that well with the 'purely shape' part of the task.
coloured pencil - brings subtle textures to these shapes. think its quite effective to still add small details within the texture - but these are perhaps less are needed though. |
- i think this example has been one of the most successful. - finding the balance of using expressive and interesting textures, as well as strong shape. I found cutting out the shape of the subject within the texture was a good process. - looks more controlled.
- In other pieces i found in the application of detail it was difficult to avoid line. - in this piece i aimed to used solid block sections of shape
- Although not refined quality, i enjoyed experimenting, and being more playful with application of media, - need to take more risks and this feel i feel i forced myself to be more creative and less restrictive. it has opened my eyes to trying more methods of working. - because of this experimentation, - paper cut with textures has since inspired my work for the book - visual communication brief. Without this exploration i wouldn't have reached that point. - the process has been so important.
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