Monday, 14 December 2015

Crit - one on one 2

- This crit occurred in the middle of a long printing day, and turned up with some prints missing, some drying, and altogether my work was in a bit of an unorganised pile at the moment! - made it quite difficult to show exactly how I'm doing.
- since i had last discussed my work i have been experimenting. - the prints were very much in the testing stage - but the feedback that i got was that perhaps the mono print doesn't actually add that much to the quality of the lino? however i think i can still push this further. - currently it doesn't look refined or work behind the lino, but after spending the whole day around mono printing i can envisage how it could look with tweaks within the process. - I feel that i  had finally got the hang of it and with a few more goes i could achieve a desired looking print.
- my lino was liked - and so, the crit, along with my print day has helped me decide to continue with lino and mono print for my final.
note - if this process fails - can scan in textures and compile within photoshop.

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