Friday, 1 May 2015

Evaluation - Final Postcards

- Towards the end of this brief, i began to feel quite pushed for time. Although quite pleased with the aesthetics of my postcards, i am disappointed that i didn't meet the deadline with all four finished - Perhaps  simplifying the designs, and balancing my time between each, would have made this more achievable. - if known health was suffering, i would have definitely limited the time to complete
- Originally I planned on keeping them quite a lot simpler. - i didn't stick to a strict time limit, and found myself getting carried away! i actually really enjoyed using illustrator properly for the first time,- i had quite low expectations of my abilities, but through practice, i actually feel as though i have a good grasp on illustrator skills. it was easy to get lost in creating more details through shape, but i think its important in future to take more control, and be confident in saying a piece is finished.

- The time it took to add these small, details - creating more complex shapes, in some ways perhaps didn't really add anything particularly exciting to the images. For me, the larger success of the postcards is the chosen compositions and concept behind each piece.

Feedback. - generally really positive; found this really useful.

- Although i didn't necessarily want the theme or cities to be instantly recognisable, it was important to include key information that relates to each place/festivity.I think my choice of details has been successful - i wrestled a lot with different combinations, but think the final postcards are informative and strong representations of each celebration.
- The composition i chose allowed me to include all these relevant details, i think it helps deliver/communicate the content clearly and effectively. - draws attention, quite striking.
- all the same - but slightly different - i.e. proportions - which i wanted them to feel more natural, - however as a set, perhaps the exact positioning would have been beneficial
- I am pleased with the colour palettes. - using this guide on illustrator really benefitted the quality of each final postcard. - sticking to quite basic combinations of complimenting colours, means the imagery is clear and engaging. - perhaps in some areas - simplifying more.

- Although some details are not necessary - I do think they can add something - monk - i created wrinkles and which emphasised his age, and helped to create a convincing expression/emotion - he feels more real.
- point of using illustrator - doesn't have to be as representational. In future i look forward to creating simplified imagery - i guess part of the skill is being able to pick out key information - interesting to see how much more simplified the images could be and still communicate intended message? something i reflected upon reading feedback.
- However - complexity of designs - allowed me to have a better understanding of illustrator, - provided more challenges, but helped strengthen my skills by finding solutions to problems faced. I feel confident that i can apply these newly aquired skills in future briefs. i look forward t using illustrator again.

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