Friday, 1 May 2015

GIF Three - Sloth Sleeping

- (Missing screen shots that accompanied text, sorry)
- Creating my final GIF. I feel like i have learnt a lot from the previous two. - hope it has prepared me for this one. - perhaps the most complex. Will defiantly have the most layers! Will try and enjoy the challenge.
- Creating washes of sky background - using sponge and watercolour, brushes and watercolour. 


Splitting up the process into stages really helped.
stage one. - the Sky. - The aim of this Gif was to create a natural graduation from day to night. To achieve this i scanned in a dark, light, and sunset sky. - beginning in the day, then combining with the others and gradually altering the opacity between slides. 
- Took a lot of work to get this graduation to look reasonably smooth, needed to add more slides. The pacing also hugely impacted its success.  The sky worked a lot more successfully than anticipated. i am really pleased with the result.
- mirroring this process allowed gif to loop right back round to the beginning.


- using same process - scanning and cutting out in photoshop. 
- More pleased with the artwork of sloth - more natural. even though he's going to be stationary other than moving features - i created three versions so his fur moves in the wind - bringing the forground to life.
- Nervous about editing the components to fit with the lighting in the background. - was unsure of how this would turn out. - I benefitted from creating the background gradient first as this acted as a guide to follow.

For each spereate component (sloth, tree, rainforest) i begun by altering the saturation and lighting through each slide - gradually decreasing both, to try and match the background. - really pleased that this worked out too! 

- Reviewing back. - some of the timing is a little off between changes in light. This could have been synced better perhaps with a little more time. however it was quite challenging to get the saturation and lighting to look exactly the same on each separate component.
- Feel like I managed my time much better on this final Gif. - Also was more logical and resourceful in the editing process which shows. - better quality finish - i think this is probably my most successful gif.

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